Top online tutors near Laurel, VA


5 lessons

60 mins each

Alecia DeNee
Chesapeake, VA

Old Dominion University Mentor and English Master

English has always been a passion of mine. It has always been my favorite subject. I've always been interested in reading and analyzing literature of many genres. I write poetry, craft debates, and argumentative speeches. Additionally, I've published short stories on Story Bird. Moreover, being on the debate team, in high school, has afforded me the opportunity to respectfully and properly delve into literature with an open mind. I worked as a reading specialist for two years as well as I'm currently in a teaching role at a gifted school. The accelerated program is far more sophisticated than the lesson plan provided by the City of Hampton. I also participated in reviewing and editing English writings and thesis for my college peers. In addition to editing, I create lesson plans for my middle school students. I read and edit students' essays for standardized testing. By being in a teaching environment, it lends support to mentoring and tutoring students in English Language Arts. Teaching, tutoring, and mentoring my middle schoolers in English helps them to strategically help them build upon their vocabulary, reading proficiency, context clues, test taking skills, and overall literary devices. Lastly, holding degrees in Social Sciences and Human Services, I've had an abundance of high level English, Literature, and Philosophy courses. These courses honed in on my critical thinking skills-which allows me to teach English effectively. My love for words, grammar, and English Language Arts is a lifelong love to the art itself.


5 lessons

60 mins each


3 lessons

60 mins each

Phil Ebersole
Silver Spring, MD

Teacher - Attorney

I love everything about writing - from the initial draft to the final edits - though writing good, solid prose is no walk in the park. But the benefits to learning how to write well, never stop. Scientists have even asserted that writing causes regions of a writer's brain to become more active because the writer may be subconsciously seeing the scenes in their head that they are writing down - just as though the action were happening to them in real life. When I taught high school social studies and tutored language arts, I always made sure that my students did a lot of writing. And though it may sound old-fashioned, I do still rely on E.B. White’s Elements of Style, as the foundation for teaching my students how to write. I know it has served me well in my work as a freelance writer formulating speeches and creating promotional pamphlets. My sense is that too often students and teachers allow the mechanics of writing to get in the way of what they want to express. I often tell my students to just "write what they mean." From there we can deal with the grammatical mechanics of writing, but with an emphasis on using the active voice. Using the active voice to write can be difficult to get used to, but when appropriately put to work, it often simplifies sentence structure, eliminates unnecessary words, and forces the students to write in more compellingly and persuasively. I think it's the key to good writing.


3 lessons

60 mins each