560 online Filipino tutors near Cebu City, Philippines


1 lesson

60 mins each

Ira Mae Fortun
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines

A Woman After God's Own Heart

I have studied Filipino language from primary to eternity that origins in our country which is Philippines. Philippines have lots of languages like English, cebuano, ilocano, bikolano and many more. Technically, Filipino language is the original language of the Philippines. In fact, back to 1565 to 1898 that Philippines had colonized by the Spanish people, that's why some places in Philippines has spanish language. When I was at the young age, I am really dreaming to become a teacher in Filipino. After classes, me and my classmates speak Filipino and practiced our characters as protagonist and antagonist. Even if we are in our home we always speak and practice our language and for the sake of our culture and also our country language. Not because we love it but we respect it and besides it is understandable language on how we show our emotions to each other. I wanna become a teacher in Filipino because I see in our country, that there are lots of foreigners out there and visiting various places. I have friends from different countries and they wanna learn how to speak Filipino because they are curious about it on how to pronounce, how to deliver, the rising and falling intonations , how to response to some Filipino people, also how to speak in order to understand the situation. Getting along with them sometimes I speak Filipino towards them and they got a new Filipino words, and somehow they tried to understand and what does it mean.


1 lesson

60 mins each