I would like to express my strong interest in working as an English Teacher in your school, and would like the opportunity to explain why I believe I would be an asset to your English department. Dur... ing my years in college, I developed my passion for teaching – all aspects of it – from online teaching to summer camps, role playing to volunteering in churches, dancing to singing songs to children. Through my experiences of proactively managing all aspects of school-wide events as a student teacher, and teaching English to different nationalities like Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese and Koreans, I came to a realization that my superior communication skills, my unrelenting ambition to succeed, and my ability to creatively solve problems would serve me well as a teacher.
I have reviewed the job description and am positive that I meet the desired qualifications. I have been successful in my academic career, extra-curricular activities, and in my leadership role as Student Body President, and am eager to bring my energy and excitement to this venture. I am an inspired natural leader, who brings creative thinking and exceptional organizational skills to each and every position I have held. I am optimistic in my outlook and have a deep sense of wonder and curiosity that enables me to connect with those with whom I work and manage, giving me the edge I need to strive for excellence and achieve success.
I would very much like to have a conversation with you in the near future to learn more about this exciting position, your company’s hiring process, and to establish a mutual interest. I will call you by the end of the week to answer any questions you may have about my qualifications and background. Thank you for your time and consideration.read more