Timothy AhernRedding, CaliforniaTo reach a star you have to first start by pointing at one.
MA, History, American Public University, Thesis: Using Statues, Reliefs, and Coins as Primary Sources: The Apotheotic Polemic of the Hellenistic Monarchies, Thesis Awarded University’s PWD Thesis for 2022 (Pass with Distinction, Matriculated 10/1/2022), Grad School GPA, 3.9
Other Universities: Polytecnic of Milano, Oxford University, Roman & Greek History
BA Arts & Letters (Classical Greek and Ancient History), Minor, Russian; BA, English (Linguistics, Writing, History of English), Minor, Mandarin Chinese, EFL (English as a Foreign Language); Functional in Swahili (Kiswahili: 3+ Years in East Africa); Highly Fluent in Japanese (15+years in Japan & China), First American licensed as a K-16 Teacher by the Japanese Ministry of Education
• Teaching Adult College Learners: 10+ Years’ Experience
• 13+ Years Licensed Teacher, Ministry of Education, Most Prefectures in Japan
including Okinawa
• 3+ Years as a Senior Field Officer of the United Nations assigned to Kenya
• Ancient Languages: Evolution of Mycenean & Greek Culture, Intro to Crete’s
Linear B, Greco-Roman History, Japanese History (Kamakura Period Japanese)
and Chinese History (Tang Dynasty, Classical Ryu Kyu Poetry, Traditional
Ryukyuan Music, Singer & Shamisen Player of Classical Okinawa Music
Honor Societies: Golden Key, Honor Society, Historical Studies Honor Society, Dean’s Highest Honors List
Modern Languages: Two+ years each of Swahili, German, Russian, and Mandarin Chinese, Fluent in Japanese