I live in Northern, Northern most California. I'm so close to the border that if my parking brake on my car slips I might have to hire a tow truck in Oregon.
If I am not in my library researching,... writing, or teaching, then I am out riding my motorcycle or my racing bicycle, or if it is too hot you might see me kayaking. I still love rock and mountain climbing, which for a man my age is probably pretty hilarious. Can you imagine your grandfather in the backyard lifting weights? Pretty funny, isn't it?
I had a very, very, very hard time in school as a kid. I was bored out of my mind. However, then I discovered Greek, and through Greek I learned there were all kinds of ways that the human mind can organize language. It captured my imagination, so then I thought, "Well, how about Russian, how about Chinese, and how about Japanese and Swahili?"
My teaching style is ancient. Stepping into my classroom is stepping into a hall in Alexandria in the 3rd century BC. I ask my students a lot of questions because I want to learn from them. If I am teaching Greek I will relate it to Japanese. If I am teaching Japanese, I will them show differences between how characters are written in Chinese.
When I returned to the USA I observed high school classes in History, English, and Math. What can I say? Well, just like Arnold Schwarzenegger, "I don't do that kind of Verk." Frankly, I felt sorry for those kids. The emphasis was on the form, not on the problem.
The youngest I have ever taught was 4 and the oldest 81, so what do I like about tutoring? My answer is this, "I like watching people grow."
Anyway, if you want me as a tutor get ready to have some crazy fun.
Good luck in your adventures!
Timothyread more
American Public University (APU)
MA, Ancient History
2016 - 2022
Polytechnic of Milano
Certification, Archeoastronomy (Stone Monuments and Their Relationships with The Celestrial World)
2019 - 2020
Oxford University
Certification, Roman History, Greek History, and the Mythology of the Ancient World
2018 - 2020
Portland State University
BA, English, English Linguistics, German & Russian, Middle English & Old English, ESL
1980 - 1983
Portland State University
BA, Arts & Letters (Classical Greek and Ancient History)
1980 - 1983
Southern Oregon State College (Now Southern Oregon University)
2 years of study, transfer to PSU, German, Russian, English Literature, and Writing
1978 - 1980
Redlands University
Courses, Writing
1978 - 1978
Senior Communications and Automations Officer
United Nations, UNON, UNEP, and UNDP, assigned to Nairobi, Kenya
Apr 1997 - Oct 2001
Ministry of Education, Japan
Mar 1983 - Oct 1996
Teacher and Teacher Trainer for the Ministry of Education of Japan