Hi, I'm Sagan. In case you're wondering hot to pronounce that, it rhymes with Megan and pagan! I'm from Red Bluff, California, about two hours north of Sacramento. I'm tutoring to help people find the... ir voice through writing and speaking. Need help with a scholarly essay, literary analysis, writing a short story, or just looking to improve grammar and syntax? I can help with that! Or maybe you're looking to write and publish a novel, build your own fantasy world, expand the genres you write in, or just need someone to look over your current work to provide objective constructive criticism? That's my specialty!
At CSU, Chico, I fostered an interest in growing community literacy levels, advocating rhetorical sovereignty(making sure that historically silent voices are heard), and ensuring that exceptional literature is recognized for what it is. If any of this interests you, too, then let's project your voice together!
In my free time, I like to write novels, build maps and worlds for said novels, play Dungeons and Dragons, video games, bass and guitar, and wander around in the hills of Northern CA. I'm also partial to bowling and disc golf, but good at neither of the two! I'm currently on a hiatus from college, and plan on returning for graduate school in 2024 to get my Master's in English and teach at the college/university level for creative writing.read more
California State University, Chico
Bachelor of Arts, English Studies(Creative Writing)
2020 - 2023
Shasta Community College
Associate of Arts, Psychology
2017 - 2020
Flume Press, CSUC
Aug 2022 - May 2023
Selection team for the 2023 publications from Flume Press. Lead editor of the chapbook "Alive, Today... , Again!" by Kimberly Ramos.read more
Watershed Review, CSUC
Aug 2022 - Dec 2022
Member of the editorial and selection team for Watershed Review Literary Magazine at Chico State.
Floor Staff
Prime Cinemas LLC.
Oct 2016 - Dec 2022
I was an employee of the movie theater Prime Cinemas for six years, where I trained employees and pe... rformed cashier and janitorial duties.read more