Luke MarksSpokane, WATEFL, and English Literature
I graduated with a B.A. in English Literature and Language in 2021. I was never great at English in High School, even though I was reading at least a book a week, and engaging in personal writing almost daily. I started the clubs for Poetry, Philosophy, and Film, but I never saw myself as an "English" lover. I just loved to read and write, it didn't mean I liked reading and writing what they taught about. After my third B, in Junior year, I was actually quite frustrated at this fact: I couldn't bring myself to enjoy the standard curriculum. Therefore, I took it upon myself not simply to ace the class, I made it my goal to love every minute of it. I did, and I went on to major in the subject. Along the way in that final year of High School, I helped many people do the same, both within the clubs I started, and without.
Come college, you could find me every week helping out at the tutoring hours in the library, still running a book club or two on the side. My Sophomore year there saw me traveling abroad to Taiwan, where I was similarly, if not more, engaged. I began to find a niche with my writing and the teaching of it. Because of what I found myself using as material with those I was teaching, film and television became a prime example in the Literary Theory I would apply my own writing. Don't get me wrong; I still love the classics, and I mean all of them. But when it comes to helping a friend, stranger, or family member with their analytical abilities, it always helps to start from a place of love, and entertainment. My teaching philosophy involves an in depth love of wisdom for all things, something I always enjoy sharing with others.