Hello everyone! My name is Adrian, and I live in North Long Beach. My hobbies and passions are listening to music of any genre and writing poems as inspiration that pops up in my mind. I also enjoy ty... ping as I have a creative mindset and critical thinking. What I am passionate about is writing and typing now by rethinking as I am creative about the way I do my writing. I am also passionate about working in Construction because we always need a backup plan in our daily life. What I like about tutoring is helping struggling students learn literature work such as poems, plays, etc. Not only that, but allow students to create an outline/ brainstorm about any ideas for their paper assignment. Then I would help them proofread them through Google Docs and write down any comments that can help them improve. I like tutoring because I struggled to write papers for any reading assignment or learn about literature in general. But then, I received help from my fellow instructors as I visited them during their Office Hours in person or Via-Zoom to discuss my ideas for a writing assignment and have their input before I gathered my textual evidence. I would help them understand the reading materials, write down essential ideas they would love to write about, and then gather textual evidence to support them. With a tutor's guidance, students can push their ideas into an argument they want to show in their papers. I am reachable for questions and advice if needed; my instructor told me, "There's no right or wrong answer within writing as long you are backing up your statement with textual evidence with a strong commentary."read more
English Tutor
Cerritos Community College
Feb 2023 - present
I review students work and proofread them, at times make changes. I helped them to make outlines or ... write down ideas for their essay assignment. I tend to guide them on what their instructor are looking for in their writing.read more
English Tutor
Self- Employed
Aug 2019 - May 2022
I helped Vanessa Remotely on Proofreading her writing and adding suggestions to strengthen her essay... . I also helped her create an outline and she wrote down her ideas on what she wants to write about. I also helped her with in-text citations using APA format. She received a passing grade in the end.read more
English Tutor
Self- Employed
Jul 2021 - Dec 2021
I helped Yessica Remotely carefully reviewing her writing since she was an ESL student. I helped her... and guided her on how to use MLA format when doing an essay assignment. I Proofread her essay and left comments on what she could add or change, in the end she passed with a passing grade.read more