I have lived here in Washington, DC for more than twenty years and my family and I really enjoy all the museums and cultural events that Washington has to offer.
We have also been lucky enough to tr... avel both internationally and, here, in the United States. We plan our own itineraries and when we travel internationally we make a special effort to stay in locally-run motels and hostels to take in as much of the local culture, as possible. And we do a lot of walking. That has always seemed to me to be the best way to get to know a new place.
I also very much enjoy cooking. And after thirty years of cooking, I still make an effort to prepare meals that come from different regions of the world. In fact, when my son was younger, the idea was, in part, to provide him with a stronger connection to the places and cultures that we were studying, here, at home.
I really enjoyed teaching and tutoring because I am curious about how the world works and sharing that enthusiasm with my students is very gratifiying.
So, by what means of inspiration, philosophy, and, occasionally, cajoling, do I encourage my students to take. I suppose the trail that I follow takes up the tenets of “constructivism” with a strong emphasis on reading and writing and discussion all aimed at helping to propel real learning to a more indelible, meaningful level. If you can read, write, and think you are headed, in my opinion, in the surest direction for success.read more
English Tutor
Maryland Teaching Tutors
Aug 2023 - present
English Tutor for Washington, DC High School Public Charter Schools
Homeschool Teacher
Our own home
Sep 2013 - May 2023
Homeschooled our son through high school
Freelance Writer
Jan 2011 - Aug 2013
Freelance writer for businesses and individuals
Social Studies Teacher
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Sep 2006 - Jun 2009
Taught World History, US History, and Government
Social Studies Teacher
Bosque School
Sep 2004 - Jun 2005
Taught Middle School US History and World History