Charlotte Spencer

Certified Avionics Technician, Professional Artist

Online Art History tutor

Orlando, FL

Art History expertise

I've been drawing for work related purposes for 5 years, but in addition to my art I also study art history on my own. I could help you with research and explanation on concepts and specific artists f...

Teaching preferences

Academic level

College, High School, Middle School, Elementary School


Hello! My name is Charlotte, thank you for considering me as your sensei! I specialize in sketch art, but I plan to branch out into teaching physics: specifically electricity, mechanics, as well as mo...


Avionica USA, Accredited by the University of Central Florida

Certification, Avionics

2023 - 2024


Avionics Technician

IFR Certified Avionics LLC

Feb 2024 - present

Trouble shoot aircraft electronical components to identify issues within instruments and or other re...

JetBridge Mechanic

JBT Aerotech

Apr 2023 - Nov 2032

Answered emergency maintenance calls (E-Calls) to fix JBT Aerotech, ThyssenKrupp JetBridges and Acce...

1 lesson

60 min


3 lessons

60 min each


5 lessons

60 min each


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