Hello! My name is Charlotte, thank you for considering me as your sensei! I specialize in sketch art, but I plan to branch out into teaching physics: specifically electricity, mechanics, as well as mo... re advanced art subjects and art history!
I have been obsessed with art since I was a little girl, I decided to teach myself how to draw at age 11 and have successfully become a professional artist as an adult. I dreamed of one day owning an animation studio, sharing and creating stories of my own through motion pictures and comics- even as a child when I dreamt, I wanted to go BIG!
While my career interests took a very dramatic turn as now a certified avionics technician and an aspiring pilot myself, I will always hold my artistic aspirations at heart and will always continue to draw. I have a new found love for flying planes and for the physics that come with keeping aircrafts in the sky, I became an aircraft electrician to be closer to my more recent passions and have taken up tutoring to keep me close to my older aspirations as well. I hope I can share my love for art and physics with today's young and old leaders alike through my teaching endeavors.read more
Avionics Technician
IFR Certified Avionics LLC
Feb 2024 - present
Trouble shoot aircraft electronical components to identify issues within instruments and or other re... lated systems. Installation and deinstallation of Transponder, Transceiver, and Audio Panel wire harnesses.read more
JetBridge Mechanic
JBT Aerotech
Apr 2023 - Nov 2032
Answered emergency maintenance calls (E-Calls) to fix JBT Aerotech, ThyssenKrupp JetBridges and Acce... ssory Units; GPUs - JBT Aerotech, Twist Aero, ITW GSE units, PCA - ITW GSE, Verde, Glycol Units, Potable Water Cabinets. Preformed troubleshooting and repairs during E-Callsread more