Madeleine Lee

UChicago Student, Chemistry; Pre-Med; Anthopology Major

Online English tutor

Atlanta, GA

English expertise

It is one of my strongest convictions that the ability to write concisely and expressively is the most important professional skill a student will ever use. Writing will earn you A's on your high scho...

Teaching preferences

Academic level

High School, Middle School, Elementary School


If someone had told middle-school Maddie that she would eventually pursue dual degree in Chemistry and Pre-Med, she would be shocked. As a younger student, I truly struggled with all areas STEM-relate...


University of Chicago

BS, Chemistry

2021 - 2025


Research Intern

Dr. Cassandra Quave Lab at Emory University

2022 - 2022

I'm spending the current summer working for Dr. Cassandra Quave at Emory University, who specializes...

Science Journal Club Co-Founder and President

National Cathedral School

2018 - 2021

In Science Journal Club, our members would read publications by alumnae from my high school in the s...

Research and Consulting Intern

BridgeBio Pharma

2021 - 2021

I spent the past summer working as a research consultant for BridgeBio, a drug development company t...

Head Chorister

Washington National Cathedral Choir of Girls

2014 - 2021

I rehearses, trained, & performed 15-20 hours/week, and sung for liturgical, charitable, military, &...

Senior Class Vice President

National Cathedral School

2020 - 2021

During my senior year of high school, I worked to build a sense of connection, community, and consen...

1 lesson

60 min


5 lessons

60 min each


10 lessons

60 min each


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