Hi! My name is Liwa, a 20-year-old Filipina living here in the beautiful country Philippines. My hobbies and passions are filming, video-editing, photography, photo editing, composing a song, listenin... g to music, singing, dancing, live-streaming, drawing, painting, sketching, gardening/planting, doing household chores, playing with pets, swimming, travelling, exploring adventures, reading, watching movies, cycling, cooking, playing mobile games, studying, and teaching/tutoring. Speaking of tutoring, what I like about tutoring or teaching is that I can give knowledge to my students by sharing my personal experiences and build connections with them by getting to know their hobbies and interest. I can help the students grow and learn by tutoring them. My tutoring philosophy is I will empower students.
Students grow when they can make their own choices, take risks, and learn from their mistakes. As their tutor I will guide them by not pressuring them to be perfect but to be real so that they will not afraid to take risk, try again, learn from their mistakes and grow.read more