Hi! I'm Judy. I was born and raised in Davis, California, and am a recent college graduate from Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where I majored in Political Science with a minor in Religi... ous Studies and a concentration in Critical Theory.
I have been tutoring for over three years, and have a history working with students from kindergarten to university, with a range of topics spanning the natural and social sciences, as well as mathematics up until Algebra 2.
While I am a huge nerd and successful student at this point in my life, I struggled with school for a big part of my time in elementary and middle school. It wasn't until I found a learning style that worked for me that I was able to truly thrive. As a tutor, I aim to help students find or strengthen whatever style of learning works best for them. I believe that the most important step in tutoring is making sure students feel confident in their ability and intelligence so that they can focus all of their attention on understanding the subject matter.
Feel free to reach out with additional questions, and I look forward to hearing from you!read more