74 online Graphic Design tutors near Gibsonton, FL


1 lesson

60 mins each

Brandon Gabriel
Lafayette, IN

Ask me some "imposing" questions! 16 years as a graphic designer with extensive print knowledge.

I have been in graphic design professionally for 16 years. Having taught myself Photoshop as a teen, I attended design courses at my high school and later in college. My education consists of a professional diploma from International Business College in Indianapolis, IN. I have found that my knowledge and poise provides a unique experience. I have operated a printer(s) or digital press(es) in almost every position I have held. I have also created very intricate variable templates using InDesign’s data merge, GREP, and XMPie. Several clients have commended me on my color matching abilities. I take pride in discovering new quirks or teaching them to others when it comes to software. While my design skills are solid, I would consider myself an above average, expert user when it comes to utilizing software. Obviously, I can help with the basics, but if you are stuck on something, odds are I'll be able to help. I'm a tremendous universal problem solver. If I don't know the answer immediately, I will! If you need help setting up a file to print, I'm the person you want! Here are some of my qualifications: • 16 years experience in design, advertising, marketing and print production with a focus on customer satisfaction • Professional experience (in years) Adobe® Photoshop® (22), Illustrator® (20), InDesign® (16), Acrobat®(~16), Premiere Pro® (1.5), After Effects® (1), Audition® (1), Dreamweaver® (~3), and Lightroom® (~5) • Proficient with Microsoft® Office Excel®, Word®, PowerPoint®, Publisher®, • Broad range of skills designing for multiple printing platforms: digital print production, 1, 2, 4, and 5 color offset presses, wide/grand format inkjet, screen printing, embroidery, packaging design, promotional items/ASI, and some experience writing plates using a Kodak® laser plate setter • Experience in finishing: guillotine operation, scoring, folding, stitching, laminating, installing large format vinyl prints and signs, and more.


1 lesson

60 mins each