Hi, my name is Andrew, and I am a graduate student at SIUC with an undying passion for writing. I am from Evanston IL which is a suburb bordering Chicago. I wake up every morning around 6:00 am and wr... ite for roughly four hours. This has been my routine the past few years and it has emboldened me to take major risks as an artist. I am currently apart of three different production companies holding three distinct roles. I am the owner of my startup, I am Creative Director of a local production startup, and a production assistant on a film crew. I have written 12 feature length films, three short films, 25 episodes of TV, and composed 25 songs since March of 2020. I am self taught in music composition, teaching myself Bass guitar, piano, and songwriting. An extremely hard worker who loves to bring the drive out of his students.
The person does not exist, who is without talent-- my passion is making people understand and manifest their genius so they become free thinking individuals who cannot be taken advantage of by systems of power. Writing is power-- I will teach you how to wield your thinking on the page and articulate it in a way that makes you a force to be reckoned with. As a person of color with learning disabilities, the main group I urge to reach out to me are in that same wheelhouse. To be clear, anyone struggling with writing or wanting to become better or more professional-- please don't hesitate to reach out! I specify POC's because I have first hand experience on how the system tries to attack, and I insist on teaching people how to defend.
If you are a student struggling to realize yours-- I urge you to reach out to me so I can help you pass the class or meet whatever goal you have set out. I have never failed in making someone realize their importance, and I will not fail with you. Please, if you will, allow me to teach you how to write, so you can learn how to think, so you can think for yourself, and be on the offensive when it comes to the world.read more