Angela WellsFlorida City, FLGuiding,Natural, knowledge
As a knowledgeable reader, I offer diverse advantages. I have extensive writing experience, excelling in diverse forms like poetry, songwriting, and creative thinking. My regionally accredited degrees, approved by the US Department of Education, emphasize my commitment to quality education. With over fifteen years of extreme essay writing, reading comprehension) teaching, testing, researching, and interviewing experience, I offer a well-rounded perspective, enriching essays with creativity and insightful depth.
Having earned multiple degrees, including a semester in PhD in Marriage and Family Therapy, a Master's in Education (Curriculum and Instruction), and a Bachelor's in Business Administration (Healthcare Management), equip me with the ability to read ,research and determine outcomes on various topics effectively. Furthermore, guidance and approval of milestone by seasoned scholars propelled me to success with honors. Concurrently earning these degrees vitrines my dedication to knowledge acquisition, reading comprehension, and innovative problem-solving.