Jack NelsonAlpharetta, GABerklee Graduate, Guitar Tutor
I have been studying and performing music for over a decade. My first and most familiar instrument is the electric guitar, which i started receiving private instruction for at age 11. Within a year, I joined a local band program which grouped kids into rock bands that would perform live venues several times a year. In each band, I specialized in lead guitar as well as a bit of keys. Since then, i've played upwards of 50-60 live shows, and have received 6 years of guitar instruction.
Throughout high school, I took intro to Music Theory as well as AP Music Theory classes. Both were instrumental in having a deeper understanding of melody, harmony, rhythm, scales, intervals, counterpoint, etc. This kickstarted my interest in composition, which I pursued further in higher education. In 2019, I was accepted into Berklee College of Music and by 2022, graduated with a BA in Music Composition for Film, TV, and Games.
In terms of guitar, this education has been significant in teaching me the ins and outs of improvising with scales/modes, advanced chord harmonies, fretboard navigation, rhythmic variation, and composing/songwriting on a guitar.