Jen FrantzParma Heights, OHEssay and Creative Writing Tutor
I attended Yale University, and later the Iowa Writers' Workshop—where I took advanced coursework in poetry, fiction, and essay writing. I have poems published in more than twenty magazines both print and online, including Washington Square Review, Denver Quarterly, Sixth Finch, and Fence, among others. After leaving Yale for medical reasons, I wrote 1,000 poems, and after graduating from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, I had written another 1,000. I am also a devout reader, consuming more than one hundred books every year across many genres and countries of origin. I value, above all else, a story well-told. I am currently a college essay tutor for some students in California—last year, my first year in the role, all of my students were accepted into their top choice colleges. Hopefully, I can help you achieve—through writing—whatever it is you most want to do.