Karen Travisano

Word Expert, English Teacher, Essay Help

Online College Essay Writing tutor

Doylestown, PA

College Essay Writing expertise

I'm a teacher, a writer, and a reader at heart. I love words, and yes, I love essays, grammar, and helping students improve their writing. I have taught in a full-time, public school for 34 years, s...

Teaching preferences


13 - 17

Proficiency level

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Hi! I'm Karen, and I can help you with your essay because I've helped thousands of students with various steps of the writing process for 35 years. I have taught, tutored, and created lessons for d...


Nova Southeastern University

Teaching and Learning

2000 - 2003

Rutgers University

Bachelor's Degree, English

1985 - 1988

Montclair State University


1983 - 1985


Substitute Teaching

Central Bucks School District

Sep 2023 - present

I work with students of all ages, many of whom who have learning disabilities or Special Needs. I ha...


Private Tutor

Feb 1988 - Jun 2023

I've tutored students over my 34 year career, most in College Essay and Personal Statement writing o...

Teacher - High School English/Language Arts

Hillsborough High School, NJ

Feb 1988 - Jun 2023

I taught English at Hillsborough High School for 34 years, and I've co-taught with a Special Educati...

Teacher - High School English/Language Arts

College Bound

Jun 2004 - Jun 2005

College Bound was a live-on-campus summer program at The College of New Jersey. The purpose was to h...

1 lesson

60 min


3 lessons

60 min each


5 lessons

60 min each


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