Hi! My name is Padraic, (Pronounced: Pad-Drick). I currently attend and live at Utah State University as a Music Education Major with an emphasis in Percussion and Secondary Education (Junior High/Hig... h school level teaching). Outside of school I enjoy teaching music, writing music, going off-road, fixing cars, and learning new instruments.
The best thing I like about tutoring is how flexible it can be in shaping ones skills. Tutoring gives the student a head start in understanding the topic they choose to study that helps prepare them for the future. I love how rewarding it can be to know you are prepared for the topic you studied and no one can tell you otherwise. Whether it be Playing piano or preparing a presentation. There is someone there who can help you not only reach your goal, but help you learn and understand that topic on a level not many can achieve.
I believe tutoring is a tool that isn't just for learning the topic or study for a simple test. Tutoring can help you understand yourself. How to set boundaries and become a successful student.
As we go through life, the one thing I have learned is that we never stop learning, If we stop learning then life begins to look dull and no longer interesting. As we continue to learn we get to experience new personal discoveries that would never have happened if we stopped learning.read more
Percussion Instructor
Weber School District
Aug 2017 - Jan 2022
Taught students how to read music notes, rhythms, etc. Managed time and progress with students. Insp... ired higher standard of musicianship with each student and maintained a positive attitude. Taught front ensemble afterschool in 2017 for an indoor Marching Percussion show. Our school Made 4th place in state with a caption for their front ensemble.read more
Substitute Educator (Music)
Weber School District
Aug 2021 - Dec 2021
Substituted music classes when the Teacher was away, maintained progress with students studies and h... elped progress their knowledge in music. Primarily middle school and High school.read more