I live in Clarksville, Tennessee, and I've been writing stories for as long as I can remember. I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Creative Writing from Purchase College SUNY, in New York State, with a 3... .8 GPA. I've been able to gather a wide range of experience in writing; from publishing book reviews online, to having my original short stories published and scripts produced, and working as a professional writer in content writing and editing.
I enjoy teaching others about the craft of writing because it can be a great place to foster creativity and expression. I encourage the students I work with to approach all their writing tasks with the mindset that they are creating something new and putting themselves out there; despite how intimidating writing can be, it can also be fulfilling and enjoyable. I teach this way because the rules of grammar and writing are easier for students to learn when they look at it as a process, instead of just an end-goal.read more