Hello! My name is Yahia. I work as a research technician in a neuroscience lab in Boston, MA. So I use biology concepts in my everyday life. I enjoy hiking, cooking, and traveling.Hello, my name is Y... ahia and I work as a research technician in a neuroscience lab located in Boston, MA. As someone who uses biology in their everyday life, I have a keen interest in hiking, cooking, and traveling.
I am a tutor because I want to provide my students with the same pleasant experience that my teachers and professors provided me. Without their support, I would not be where I am today.
As a tutor, my top priority is to understand your learning style and impart the scientific concepts in a way that resonates with you. I am confident that with my help, you can develop new skills to achieve your goals and ace your exams.
Unfortunately, I can not post screenshots of my old students testimonies but this one always resonate with me.
"Hopefully you still check your email since you graduated. I hope all is well. I wanted to let you know I had made deans list last semester and I feel like it was because your help in bio stats. I ended up it's better than a C I got a B. So thank you again for being so awesome. I pray you continue on impacting others lives.
Gabby b"read more
Research Technician
Northeastern University
Jan 2024 - present
• Mastering skills in molecular biology and genetic behavioral pharmacology
Teaching Assistant for Pre-Health Preparation Course
Stetson University
Aug 2023 - Jan 2024
Collaborated with faculty in designing lesson plans for medical school admissions and diverse health... care pathways.
• Provided personalized assistance in crafting impactful personal statements, resumes, and portfolio assignments
• Fostered a collaborative and inclusive learning environment, encouraging peer-to-peer interactionread more
Stetson Peer Tutor
Stetson University
Aug 2021 - May 2023
Facilitated one-on-one tutoring sessions focused on introductory biology courses.
• Initiated and le... d the establishment of the first biostatistics tutoring group at the university
• Delivered academic assistance, aiding students in understanding and mastering key concepts.read more
National Science Foundation STEM Scholars Peer Tutor & Mentor
Stetson University
Aug 2023 - Dec 2023
Conducted one-on-one tutoring sessions in general and organic chemistry, cancer biology, and molecul... ar sciences
• Fostered a supportive learning environment, assisting freshman students in navigating complex STEM coursework
• Applied personal experiences to offer customized mentorship, aiding students in navigating career paths.read more