Hi, my name's Alexandra. I'm currently an English B.A. student at California State University. My goal has always been, and continues to be, to teach once I've completed my credentialing and degree pr... ocess. I have always had a passion for helping foster understanding in others and in learning. I have always excelled in English studies and mentoring. I have spent a great deal of my college career focused on English literature and creative writing. I have experience with many forms of writing, including academic research and writing for scientific, linguistic, creative, and education courses. I am on track to graduate with my B.A. in English with honors and I am a member of Sigma Tau Delta, which is an internationally recognized English honors society. I pride myself on having earned at least an A on every English course I've taken. I have also taken a lot of time during my academic career to do peer tutoring in research, academic writing, and creative writing, among other things. One of my greatest skills in tutoring is simply in being able to find the best ways to encourage my tutees to put forth their best work. One area that I excel at is in writing review and editing. Much of my tutoring has revolved around college essay writing and I am happy to say that, in my experience with peer tutoring, every student paper I have reviewed and advised on has earned at least a B or higher for my tutees.
My primary goal in tutoring is simply to encourage my tutees' confidence in their own knowledge and ability. I have found that most people are much more capable than they give themselves credit for and sometimes all they need is a slight nudge to get them where they want to be.
Hoping I can start helping some new folks out soon!read more
Jun 2015 - Jun 2022
I have worked in childcare on and off for 7+ years independently. I have provided regular hourly chi... ldcare and tutoring as well as volunteer positions with local elementary schools (e.g., offered free PTA meeting childcare offered in the school library)read more
College Peer Tutoring
Aug 2019 - May 2022
Peer tutoring largely focused on research, academic writing, and creative writing. Additional tutori... ng offered in the forms of study guides, reviews, and editing.read more
Sales Clerk
Jul 2021 - Aug 2021
Seasonal position at one of Follett's university bookstores on California State University campuses.... At this position, I was able to advise students on required texts, recommend useful sources, and gain experience in customer service.read more