My name is Trevan Powell, and I truly have the heart to teach. I grew up with my overall identity in sports. All of my life, through hig... h school, I played football, baseball, and basketball. I was blessed with the talents and abilities to be a pretty good athlete. During high school, I was recruited by some college football programs. That was my one dream my entire life, to play college football. The atmosphere, the volume, the high intensity...it all intrigued me. Sadly, that wasn't the plan for me.
My second avenue (since college football didn't work) was to participate in a 9-month missions internship in the Dominican Republic. My responsibilities during that internship included teaching English to 2nd and 4th grades, leading a VBS program, and helping with construction projects. I am so happy and grateful that the Lord put that missions internship in my life. During my internship, I grew deeper and deeper in my relationship with the Lord. The times of solitude led me to be a faithful Christian. I am also very grateful for the internship because I found my future wife. She has been the best girlfriend I could ever ask for.
The students and my girlfriend were two factors that really encouraged me to teach others. When I taught the students (that knew very little English), it was a joy in my life. Seeing them go from having little knowledge of English to being able to have a conversation with me was a true joy. The same was true with teaching a group of young athletes in baseball. Seeing them take what they have learned and apply it to their game was a joy to see as well. Teaching others and seeing them grow is more significant than any touchdown I could have ever scored.read more
Local Church Intern
Cornerstone Baptist Church
Jun 2022 - present
My responsibilities consist of teaching Children's Ministry, creating VBS program, teaching Youth Mi... nistry, and presenting missionaries to the congregation.read more
Baseball Coach
Jul 2022 - Aug 2022
Led a group of 15 young athletes through a 4-day course of Baseball camp. The young athletes learned... and applied all the fundamentals of baseball into their own game.read more
English Teacher
Freedom Internation Ministries
Aug 2021 - Jun 2022
My responsibilities during that internship consisted of teaching English to 2nd and 4th grades, lead... ing a VBS program, and helping with construction projects.read more