Hello! My name is Taylor, and I am a rising senior at Cupertino High School. I have been tutoring in various subjects for two years, including math, violin, science, language arts, and history. I have... been a volunteer tutor and served as a class lead for groups of students at organizations such as MySahara and YAPAKids, as well as a volunteer violin tutor for SVMelodies, and a private, paid tutor for several middle school students.
I especially enjoy tutoring math, and can tutor any math level up to Algebra 2. Personally, I have struggled with challenging mathematic subjects, but I believe that my ability to work my way around these challenges helps me assist other students in their journey through their own academic endeavors as well. I am also capable of assisting with other subjects up to a middle school level, but can only offer assistance with homework in those subject areas, whereas in math, I can provide additional lessons I have created to help a student go beyond what they are learning in school.
Feel free to reach out to ask me any additional questions, and I look forward to working with you!read more
YAPA Kids, My Sahara, SVMelodies, as well as a freelance tutor
Aug 2019 - present
Mentioned above, but I have been tutoring for various organizations, and have also served as a priva... te tutor for several middle school students.read more
Volunteer Exhibit Interpreter
The Tech Interactive
May 2018 - present
As a volunteer exhibit interpreter at the Tech Interactive, I engage guests in various exhibits and ... interact with guests of all ages to nurture their interest in STEM fields.read more
Volunteer Summer Camp TA
Growing Tree
Jun 2019 - Aug 2019
As a volunteer camp TA at Growing Tree, I guided students through daily tasks and activities, includ... ing school work, recess, and electives.read more