Tutoring has been very rewarding for me as it has always been fulfilling to see my students grow and mature overtime. It is also very fulfilling to acquaint and bond with my students on a personal lev... el.
I believe all students can learn and build knowledge. Students typically have struggles when they don’t hit that very “first step.” Everyone needs to start off somewhere at an appropriate beginning, and find a way to move up. All students have different ways of finding their path to that ladder. It is just a question of working smart and identifying what students understand, and what they don't understand. Once that has been identified, the next step would be to strategically approach practice. It is important that students never skip steps. I can help you or your child identify that first step, and work up that ladder to success with guided practice and suggestions.
I tailor my methods uniquely based on the student and subject since everyone learns differently. I first get to know my students learning approaches and strengthens and weaknesses. I then access what the student knows and doesn’t know, and I go from there and take small baby steps. I ask repeat problems, provide the same problems with different circumstances while possibly rewording the question. In addition, I ask students to explain me concepts and steps of what they did to test for understanding. I also I use flash cards, write steps, draw pictures(great for visual learners), use real life examples, prove theorems out, rationalize arguments and opinions with students to prove points. Lastly, I provide them with strategic techniques to make solving the problem easier and more efficient to remember. I try different approaches with my students and see what works best for them, because everyone has different learning styles. I also make suggestions and tips during the sessions.read more
Online Tutor
Mar 2022 - present
I assisted the Georgia Tech Student Athletes with their homework in the subjects of Accounting, Line... ar Programming, Statistics, Finance, and Economics.read more
Math and English Tutor
Koncept Education
Nov 2019 - Apr 2022
K-12 Math and English. In person, prepandamic. Remote post pandemic
Peer Tutor
UC Davis Economics
Apr 2019 - Jun 2019
Volunteer Tutor