Greetings, I am Kaan from Turkey. I grew up by the western coast of the country, in İzmir. Since my childhood, learning a language has been a subject of interest for me as my first learning attempts w... ere ignited by video games and enthusiasm, thus pushing me to create ways to teach myself. My eagerness to inquire more in my other passion, music, I've kept English as a part of my life, which led me to study the field. Through these years, I had the chance to examine the way people learned the language and observed that through the topics that we are enthusiastic about are the ones we obtain and internalise the patterns of a language the easiest. It is a natural conclusion of our instinct to understand, to know, and I believe this mental reaction can be utilized to provide an immersive and efficient learning experience. Therefore, I focus on the interests and requirements of the students specifically and design my lessons accordingly as we can have any topic as our basis point for the lesson's subject. Besides the methods, I am a chatty person who's quite well at human relations which helps me a lot while luring the student into this conversational learning environment.read more