Erin Beyers

Education Assistant at Sugar Grove Elementary, Tutor

Online Reading tutor

Terre Haute, IN

Reading expertise

Working in an elementary school as an education assistant, I am working with children of all proficiency levels on reading daily. As I have also always been a strong and passionate reader, I am equipp...

Teaching preferences

Academic level

Middle School, Elementary School


Hello! I'm Erin, and I live in Terre Haute, Indiana but will be moving to Charleston, South Carolina in a few short months! I am currently an Education Assistant at Sugar Grove Elementary School, and ...


Indiana State University

Bachelors, Business Management

2019 - 2022


Education Assistant

Sugar Grove Elementary School

Sep 2023 - present

I work with lower level students grasp and understand concepts of the classes they are taking.

1 lesson

30 min


1 lesson

60 min


5 lessons

30 min each


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