Hi, I'm Elaine from Muntinlupa City, Philippines. I am an English teacher.
I enjoy writing, reading, and researching different subjects and ideas, among other things. I like to write fiction and enga... ge in creative activities like storytelling and poetry. My interests and passions are generally focused on encouraging intellectual progress, creativity, and personal development.
Making a difference in someone's educational journey is something I value about tutoring. Seeing students develop as they learn new ideas and sharpen their abilities is rewarding. It gives me a tremendous deal of happiness to be able to observe kids' "aha" moments and watch them grow more self-assured.
My teaching approach focuses on creating a welcoming, learner-centered environment. I think it's critical to recognize the particular needs, objectives, and learning preferences of each learner. I want to create exciting and productive learning experiences by adjusting my strategy and materials for every student. I want to create a supportive environment where students feel at ease asking questions, making errors, and actively engaging in their own learning.
In terms of what makes me "me" as a teacher, I would say it's a combination of my credentials, experience, teaching methodology, and personal ethics. Delivering fascinating and effective classes is made possible by my special combination of subject-specific knowledge, abilities, and competence. My unique teaching style incorporates elements of imagination, empathetic understanding, and adaptation to accommodate the various learning styles of my students.read more