Mathematics Interventionist
Stafford Municipal School District
Jul 2021 - present
Responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
· Provides academic support to studen... ts for Algebra 1 STAAR course, SAT course, ACT course, PSAT class, College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Texas Success Initiative 2.0, Texas College Bridge – Math and Reading
· Provides high-quality mathematics instruction to individual students and small groups
· Uses data to provide instruction to students and to bring their skills to grade-level
Collaborates with teachers, administration, and families to help identify best practices
for individual and small groups of students
· Uses identified research-based interventions focuses specifically on individual student needs
· Maintains data-based documentation of continuous monitoring of student performance and progress
· Provides data to school teams and participates in decisions about student progress
· Communicates with teachers, administration, and families regarding student progress
· Assists with identifying students for placement in intervention groups
· Participates in meetings with teachers, administration, and families to discuss student
placement and progress
· Provide diagnostic assessments for students as needed based on formative and informative data
· Provides input for program development
· Supports implementation of assessment tools and data management systemsread more
WyzAnt Inc
A division of IXL Learning
May 2012 - present
Tutor client ages: 8 to adult in the following:
Elementary Reading (K-6), Elementary Math (K-6), Alg... ebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Pre-algebra, Adult Literacy/Math
Test Preparation: STAAR, TAKS, ACT, GED, TSIA, Texas College Bridge, Aptitude tests, ACT Math/Reading, SAT Math/Reading,
Homeschool: Elementary K to 6, Pre-algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry,
Sports: Conditioning/Strength Training, Basketball more