Hi, I'm Chadi, I just found my passion in teaching after being invited as a visiting lecturer teaching applied research in psychology field in one of a private university in Jakarta.
I was taken a ba... ck and decided to pursue teaching in topics I took interest and have qualifications for, such as research, psychology, language (Bahasa Indonesia for now).
I am a learner myself, therefor I understand the struggle in learning and always based my materials on my students study technique, because teaching means making the knowledge delivery easy to digest for the receiver.
In Psychology, I particularly love educational and clinical field, however, I am able and qualified to share some knowledge outside the two specific topic, such as psychometric, Industrial and Organizational. Some courses that I like are abnormal psychology, learning psychology, and general psychology.
Aside psychology, I love understanding bahasa Indonesia since I also write research in Bahasa Indonesia. I also enjoy research, specifically in peace issues.
Outside my professional career, I study for my up coming licensure exam (next year), I am currently enrolled in a 3 semester intensive course in preparation for this title (required by the government). And outside my academic and career, I take care of my dear son and spend lots of hobbies with him, we paint, we read, and I also take some personal consultations about life.read more
University of Tarumanagara
Psychology licensure , Psychology
2024 - 2025
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Master in Educational Psychology, Psychology
2021 - 2023
University of Mindanao
B.S Psychology, Psychology
2014 - 2018