My name is Christopher Fields and I'm a native to Georgia in the United States. I joined the Marine Corps when I was 17-years-old. During my time, I learned leadership skills, team-building, and organ... izational management.
After departing the Marine Corps, I obtained two college degrees; an Associate's in Paralegal Studies, and a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice.
After completing my degrees, I became a Private Investigator in the State of Georgia for eight years. In addition, I started a Background Screening company in 2015 that I sold in 2017.
During that time, I obtained my Master Certification in Neuro-linguistic Programming and began to utilize my skills with 1-on-1 coaching.
In July of 2020, I released a self-published book, "Sell Your Mind: Business Psychology, & 5MSM", on Amazon and made three Best Sellers lists.
As of recent, I have transitioned my career solely to teaching English to help others, and focusing on writing more books.read more
Columbia Southern University
Bachelor's, Criminal Justice Administration
2012 - 2014
Savannah Technical College
Associate's, Paralegal Studies
2010 - 2012