31 online Religion tutors


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60 mins each

Christian Smith
Saint Louis, MO

Committed to creating a learning environment that is inspiring and encouraging to students.

I received my B.A. in Humanities with a concentration in Religious Studies from Hawaii Pacific University. During my undergraduate studies, I learned about and engaged with religions from around the world and gained expertise in Eastern and Western religions. While living in Honolulu, Hawaii, I was active in a local church where I taught high schoolers and young adults as a Bible group leader. My deep commitment to create spaces that foster learning, critical thinking, and thought-provoking questions led me to Talbot School of Theology at Biola University. At Talbot, I earned a Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics degree and was equipped to address critical questions about Christianity. My understanding of world religions was expanded when I completed my Master of Divinity degree with a concentration in Missions and Intercultural Studies. A degree which helped me learn how to teach others about Christianity in both the local church and cross-cultural contexts. I served as a graduate teaching assistant at Biola University for two courses: (1) Social Justice & Human Rights, and (2) Intercultural Conflict & Mediation. In each of these classes, I worked alongside the professor to help students understand how religion addresses social justice, human rights, and intercultural conflict. Consequently, I have experience teaching classes and performing teaching-related duties including: creating lesson plans and grading course assignments (e.g., papers, posts, and projects).


1 lesson

60 mins each


1 lesson

30 mins each

Carlon Robbins
Whiteville, NC

Humanities, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Cultural Studies, and Critical and Queer Theory Scholar

My expertise stems from several experiences. First, my mother was always rather devout, and I grew up in a conservative, fundamentalist Christian home. Second, my natural curious and questioning personality had me thinking deep and tough spiritual questions as a young child. Third, when I was around seventeen, I delved deeply into my own, personal, independent studies of religions. Fourth, I was a self-taught, practicing Buddhist and Yog(ini) for four years. I dare to say that I have had my own “religious experiences,” but I would not call myself religious at all. Last, but not least, I also formally studied, as both an undergraduate and graduate student, and I taught courses in Religious Studies, as a college professor. Religious Studies is an academic field of study devoted to research and analysis of religious beliefs, behaviors, traditions, rituals, sacred texts, and institutions. It describes, compares, interprets, explains analyzes, evaluates, and critiques religion, emphasizing systematic interdisciplinary approaches and cross-cultural perspectives. Unlike Theology, Religious Studies takes a more scientific and objective approach, independent of any religious viewpoints, with theories and methodologies from anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy, history, socio-political thought, and even economics. Two major theoretical and methodological approaches are Functionalism and Phenomenology, with many others. Religious studies originated in 19th century Europe, with historical, literary, Hermeneutical, philosophical, and anthropological analyses of the Bible began to emerge, and Hindu and Buddhist sacred texts were first being translated into European languages. Much like Queer Theory and Cultural studies, approaches to Religious Studies are also drawn from Semiotics, Marxism, feminist theory, poststructuralism, postcolonialism, social theory, political theory, history, philosophy, literary theory, and political economy, even Neurology.


1 lesson

30 mins each