71 online Japanese tutors near Taguig, Philippines


1 lesson

30 mins each

Randy Pangilinan
Cabiao, Nueva Ecija, Philippines

Tagalog Teacher and Basic Japanese Teacher

Konnichiwa! (Hello!) Welcome to the exciting journey of learning Japanese! Japanese is a beautiful language with a rich culture and history. Whether you're drawn to its elegant script, intrigued by its unique grammar, or simply eager to explore a new way of expressing yourself, you've come to the right place. Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji Japanese uses three writing systems: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. Hiragana and Katakana are phonetic scripts representing sounds, while Kanji are characters borrowed from Chinese, each with its own meaning. Don't worry if it seems overwhelming at first – we'll start with the basics and build up from there. Basic Phrases Let's begin with some essential phrases to get you started: Konnichiwa (こんにちは) - Hello Arigatou (ありがとう) - Thank you Sumimasen (すみません) - Excuse me / I'm sorry Hai (はい) - Yes Iie (いいえ) - No Ohayou gozaimasu (おはようございます) - Good morning Konbanwa (こんばんは) - Good evening Sayounara (さようなら) - Goodbye Grammar Basics Japanese grammar may seem complex at first, but it follows consistent patterns once you grasp the fundamentals. Here are a few key points: Japanese sentences typically follow the subject-object-verb (SOV) order. Verbs often come at the end of sentences. There are various levels of politeness, reflected in verb forms and vocabulary choices. Pronunciation Japanese pronunciation is relatively straightforward once you understand the sounds of each character. Practice speaking aloud to improve your fluency and accent. Practice Makes Perfect Learning any language takes time and practice, so don't be discouraged if progress feels slow at first. Consistent practice, exposure to authentic Japanese media, and immersion in the language and culture will all contribute to your success. Ganbatte kudasai! (Good luck!) Now that you have a glimpse into the world of Japanese, let's embark on this journey together! Ganbatte kudasai – do your best, and enjoy the process of discovering this fascinating language!


1 lesson

30 mins each


1 lesson

60 mins each

Makiko Kato
Nagoya, 愛知県 日本

Qualified Native Japanese Teacher with 10 year's successful teaching experience and Master's degree

I hold an Educational degree from Nagoya University and a Master's in Translation from Monash University in Australia. For nine years, I successfully worked as a freelance translator. Later, I transitioned to teaching Japanese to English-speaking expats and their spouses for seven years. When the pandemic hit, I effortlessly adapted to online-based teaching and have since taught numerous students across the globe. My students range from adults, university students, high schoolers, to middle schoolers. I've had the pleasure of assisting numerous university students with their assignments, as well as preparing them for job interviews and speeches at an international student conference. I'm proud to say that most of these students have even passed the JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) at levels N5, N4, and N3. Meeting new people and teaching them is something that I truly enjoy. Creating a fun and positive atmosphere during my lessons is always my goal. I strive to build long-lasting relationships with my students, both as their teacher and as a friend. Even after they return to their home country, we stay connected through social media and continue to exchange messages with each other. As an online tutor, I assist numerous students who are fond of Japanese culture, including anime, movies, and music and aspire to visit Japan someday. Although mastering the Japanese language can be challenging, I aid them in speaking fluently, recognizing Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana characters, enhancing their reading skills, and nurturing their passion for Japanese culture for a lifetime.


1 lesson

60 mins each


1 lesson

60 mins each

Mie Claudio
Bari, バーリ Puglia, イタリア

Something in Japanese?

Hello everyone. My name is Mie. I am Japanese, born and raised in Japan, but now I live in Puglia, in southern Italy. I have been teaching Japanese in a language school here in Italy for eight years. In everyday life I speak Italian, but with my children I speak Japanese. When my children were little , they only replied to me in Italian, so I thought -why don't they reply to me in Japanese⁈ I thought it was inevitable because we live in Italy⁈. One day, however, my eldest daughter suddenly started speaking Japanese. I think it's because I never gave up and kept talking to them in Japanese from when they were little. Now they use Japanese when they talk to me. Keeping watching, listening, speaking and writing is the basis of learning more languages, and I realise this every day when I see my children. Would you like to learn Japanese with me? I want to read Japanese manga in Japanese! I want to watch Japanese anime in Japanese! I want to take a trip to Japan and have fun! It doesn't matter what your motivation is. Every small step you take will determine your future. Let's take the first step together! 私は日本で生まれ、日本で育った日本人です。東京に住み日本の会社で働いていましたが、結婚を機にイタリアへ。現在南イタリア、プーリア州で暮らしています。ここで日本語を教えています。日常はイタリア語を使いますが、外国人の友人達とは英語で話しています。ですからイタリア語、または英語で日本語を教えることが可能です。 日本での社会人経験がありますから、日本で働く事を目標とする人達にとって良いアドバイスを与えられます。また日本の歴史、文化(映画、アニメ、漫画、音楽など)を交え、日本に興味がある人のリクエストに応じてレッスンを行うことが可能です。


1 lesson

60 mins each