Bojan TanevskiSkopje, North MacedoniaSenior Literature Student
Ever since I was little I was infatuated by history and the immense scope of fascinating characters snd stories it has to offer. I would sit for hours reading about historical events and people that interested me.
First, I started reading about inventors, I was very curious, I wanted to know the origins of everything, I wanted to be the kid-encyclopedia, every chance I got I would tell my friends all about the things I learned. I'd say something like "Did you know Nikola Tesla fell in love with a pigeon?" or "Do you know about Napoleon's bees?", waiting for them to say 'no' so that I could tell them all about it, I always loved telling a good story, and wasn't afraid to delve deeply into a new subject.
In high school I was a pretty good student when it came to most of my classes but history was the only one where the teacher would tell me to not come to the tests because I'd already passed. Sometimes much to the chagrin of my schoolmates.
In college, where I'm currently in my senior year of studying literature, I took a few history classes, acing all of them. Earlier this year I won an award for a short-story I wrote, while this is not directly related to history, I think that the way you talk about something is integral.
What I noticed throughout my studies, when it comes to history, is that a given subject is only as interesting as the delivery of the teacher, or rather every story, and history is the greatest story of them all, needs a good storyteller. Someone who loves to tell, not just transfer information.
I would love to share my knowledge with you and more than this, I'd love to talk about it with you. If you've wanted to know history but have only found yourself yawning in history classes with sleepy professors, then this is a great opportunity for you to learn something and have fun on the way too.