Veronika LorentsenBigfork, MTExperienced tutor with a passion to help!
My name is Veronika. I live in Bigfork Montana, and where I live it’s a 5 minute walk to Flathead Lake! I love drawing, reading, writing, sports and being outside. I also love helping other people when I can. It makes me happy when I see someone I’ve helped progressing even the slightest bit.
I love that when I’m tutoring I’m helping out another person. I’ve been tutoring since I was in middle school and though I took a short break to pursue other careers I’ve come back to it full circle and I enjoy that. My tutoring philosophy is that if someone needs helps, it’s not right to make fun of them for it especially if they’re actively seeking that help, but to instead do what you can to help. I’d rather try to help, and if I can’t help find someone who can, then have the person being tutored struggling on their own.
What makes me, me is my background story. I’ve gone through a lot in the short amount of time I’ve been on this Earth, and every single circumstance has shaped me to be the woman I am today. Though there are parts where my life wasn’t the best, it shaped me in a way that has made me more compassionate, empathetic and leaves me wanting to help everyone I possibly can with a smile on my face.