Bill ChristieTucson, AZGotcha Covered
I am certified in several areas of science, including Earth Science and biology. I am also certified in social sciences, including geography, history, anthropology, economics. I also have a business degree, and am nutrition and fitness certified. I am also esl certified. i have tutored hundreds of college students (many who were learning disabled in all subjects, including law and medicine. There is probably not a subject that I have not taught or tutored. I have literally worked with students on hundreds of their writing assignments. I have written tests by the hundreds, and can talk with anybody about anything. I had three years of Latin, work on computers all the time, and have taught earth science (astronomy, meteorology, ecology, oceanography, geology; my history and geography certificates include a very deep study. My English is second to none in writing, grammar, spelling, and reading. I have done a great deal of counseling, and consider myself to have been a mentor to all my students. I am highly trained in plant sciences, and fitness and nutrition. I have taught many business courses in colleges, Working with all my students in the colleges, of all the hundreds, I have 100% graduation results.