Hiya! My name is Abby and I am a senior at SUNY Geneseo studying sociology and urban studies. I am from the suburbs of Buffalo, New York and love the Buffalo Bills! In my free time, I often read, volu... nteer, crochet, and spend time with my family. I have a nephew and a godson whom I love entirely and am enjoying every second of watching them grow up. I thoroughly enjoy tutoring because it is my life's purpose to serve others and I believe that education is an essential key to assisting others to thrive. Watching people have that "ah-ha!" moment when they finally reach their learning objective is thrilling and can be life changing for myself and the student! My tutoring philosophy is that if you truly take your time and put your best foot forward, then you are succeeding. If you can honestly say that you have done your best, then that is enough. However, it is important to recognize that growth and expanded knowledge is always possible and should be strived for. What makes me "me" is that I am an empathetic, patient, and kind human that recognizes that everyone is human and deserves time and care from others.read more
Assistant Resident Director
SUNY Geneseo Resident Life
Aug 2020 - present
Providing residents of Genesee Hall with resources and care. Overseeing a staff of five Resident Ass... istants in doing their duties for the building.read more
In-Home Teacher's Assistant
Personal Hire
Dec 2020 - May 2021
Assisting a kindergartener during her virtual school days and homework. Achieved a third grade readi... ng level and first grade writing level. Spent a lot of time dressed up as superheroes!read more