12 - under, 13 - 17, 18 - 22, 23+
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Very experienced Music teacher. Currently mostly teaching Voice online. Ready to expand for teaching Piano, which is an instrument I dedicaate to, daily, and have been teaching since 2003. Have taught... read more
Escuela Internacional de Dirección de Orquesta Navarro Lara
International Licensure Diploma in Orchestra Direction (attendance), Orchestra Conducting (Remote)
2015 - 2016
Longy School of Music
Grad Diploma curriculum , Cello, with Baroque Cello and Early singing
1995 - 1997
University of Illinois
Bachelor's of Music, Cello, Voice as minor
1991 - 1994
UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Bachelor's of Music, transfered to UofI, extensive applied Voice, Violin and Viola, Piano, Chamber Music
1983 - 1989
Music teacher
Nov 2019 - present
Long-term Voice teaching.
Music teacher
Self via-TeacherOn
Aug 2020 - Jan 2023
Successful teaching of Violin, Viola and Voice, with a few Piano drop-ins. With students residents i... read more
Multi-instrument teacher
Royal Academy, Mercuri Music, Home-studio (MA- USA). Later, at Brazilian music schools..
Jun 2003 - Jan 2015
Strong experience teaching Piano, Strings (Violin/Viola, and Cello - my degree), and Voice, from you... read more
Pianist Corepetitor for Conducting Classes
UFRGS - Federal University of RS, and Casa da Música POA, Brazil
Aug 2009 - Aug 2010
Four-hand corepetitor at two conducting classes with different conductors.
Orchestra player
New Bedford and Harvard Pops Symphonies.
Dec 1995 - Mar 2006
Dr. Marty James
Voice, took 1 lessons
Vera is a great singing teacher. She is highly skilled, responsive, and very comfortable to work with. Not only will you enjoy her lessons, but you will see your own improvement as a result!
Feb 2, 2024Martin McEvoy
Vera is a skilled vocalist and teacher. I learned a lot from her and highly recommend her!
Jan 25, 2024Viola
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