Tim Amshoff

Credentialed, Expereinced Teacher with background in sports medicine and emergency medicine, anatomy

Online Medical Terminology tutor

Louisville, KY

Medical Terminology expertise

I have been a pratcing healthcare worker for over 22 years. I have teaching medical terminoligy for 12 years.

Teaching preferences


12 - under, 13 - 17, 18 - 22, 23+

Proficiency level



Hi! I am Tim and I reside in the Louisville, KY area. I am a credentialed athletic trainer in the state of KY and have been teaching allied health vocational studies for over twelve years.. I am a le...


University of Louisville

Masters, Art in Teaching

1996 - 1997

University of Louisville

Bachelor of Science, Physical Education, Exercise Science, Sports Medicine, Skill Acquistion

1991 - 1996


Adjunct Faculty

MedQuest College

May 2020 - present

I am on adjunct list (as needed) for Anatomy course.


local Public School District

Jul 1999 - Dec 2023


local private school

Jul 1997 - Jul 1999

1 lesson

60 min


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