Hi! I'm Rinet, from the Philippines. I love teaching, so I took the Bachelor of Elementary Education with all my passion and dedication. My hobbies were reading, listening, and traveling. I was passio... nate about personal development, volunteering, and helping others. My hobbies and passion can both help the learners improve their learning and their own perspectives.
Recently, I got my certification of completion. During my internship, I was assigned at different grade levels to teach different subjects. I found out it was a challenging role since I was teaching kids. However, it made me realize that teaching is not just a profession, but a noble calling. When I was in my third year of college, I volunteered as a community tutor, where the responsibility was to provide each student with individualized support so they could learn new concepts and ideas.
What I like the most about tutoring is helping the learners learn while knowing their perspectives and interests in life. A tutor was not meant only for lesson discussion, but also for how they build relationships with the learners and how they interact in the most friendly way. I think my willingness and passion would make me "me."read more