Hi, I'm Stamatios.
I live in a small village above the Aegean Sea.
I have worked as a tutor in the big city, but I decided to change my way of life, and I haven't regretted it.
I teach math, chemis... try, and physics—it's what I have studied—but I also teach writing, which is my all-time love.
So, on the one hand, we have the "strict" topics of science, and on the other, the... "stricter" topics of writing.
But this is only the first and rather frivolous approach.
Everything needs seriousness, delicacy, fascination, dedication, and love.
Sometimes the problems you face are really easy, and you'll get over them in a couple of minutes.
But there will be cases where you must cope with difficulties and challenges.
So, honesty is always the best policy.
And another thing.
After more than 27 years of teaching, I know I fit with some of you, but not all of you. And this is my requirement.
Tell me straightforwardly, no.
Even so, this is a lesson.
For both of us.read more