Jacqueline Keily

I create a curriculum and a learning experience that is tailored to the unique needs of your child.

Online Science tutor

Beaufort, SC

Science expertise

I am a credentialed science teacher with over ten years of experience. I have taught STEAM and STEM to students age 6 and up. I have written curriculum as well as founded annual science fairs

Teaching preferences

Academic level

High School, Middle School, Elementary School


As an education consultant, I support multiple families nationwide in their transition to homeschooling. I have helped to support the development of curriculum and individual learning plans for studen...



AS, Veterinary Nursing

St. John Fisher

BS, Education k-12/Special Education mild/mod disabilities

university of phoenix

masters, curriculum and instruction



Charleston Advancement Academy

2023 - present

RSP/Science Teacher of Record


Scholastica Micro School

2020 - present

enrichment classes/home school options/ tutoring

1 lesson

30 min


1 lesson

60 min


5 lessons

60 min each


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