Hi, my name is Jannat. I was born in Pakistan and now I live in Ireland with my Irish spouse. My passion is teaching and graphic designing, and in my free time I enjoy reading books and watching infor... mative and nature-based documentaries.
As a tutor, I find great joy in helping my students learn new things and achieve their goals. I love forming connections with parents who share stories about their child's progress, and hearing students express their appreciation after mastering difficult concepts.
I teach multiple subjects, including computer science, math, English, history, science, psychology, and Arabic language. However, I specialize in computer science, software engineering, and graphic designing. I have been teaching both in-person and online for 7 years, and currently, I teach online British and American curriculum.
I completed my Master's degree in 2017 with great grades and received a Gold medal for my high performance. During my studies, I also enjoyed teaching and provided home tutoring to science students. After completing my degree, I joined Army College as a computer science teacher, where I worked for 4 years. During this time, I received the "Best Teacher Award" and "Best Co-curricular Performance Award" for my outstanding performance. I also improved my skills as a teacher, database administrator (DBA), and co-curricular activities (CCA) coordinator.read more
Online Tutor
Dec 2021 - present
Teaching Math, computer, English and science to international students of different countries.
Computer science teacher
Army college
Aug 2017 - Aug 2021
As a computer science teacher in Army college, where I worked for 4 years. During this time, I recei... ved the "Best Teacher Award" and "Best Co-curricular Performance Award" for my outstanding performance. I also improved my skills as a teacher, database administrator (DBA), and co-curricular activities (CCA) coordinator.read more