Loli Rodriguez

17 years Experienced Math teacher, working with diverse learning needs and all backgrounds .

Online Algebra 1 tutor

Houston, TX

Algebra 1 expertise

I fell in love with Math almost 20 years ago. I find it super fun and magical to teach math is a universal language that applies to all things in nature and in music and everything that is creative us...

Teaching preferences

Academic level

High School, Middle School


Hello my name is Lolianna Rodriguez I have enjoyed teaching and tutoring in mathematics for over 16 years. I enjoy making connections with students and having them light up once they understand the c...


University of Houston downtown

Education, Philosophy and mathematics

2003 - 2005

University of Texas San Antonio

Architecture, interior design

2001 - 2003


Teacher 17 years

Several schools, including international schools and special-needs goals

2009 - present

My background includes working with all students of various backgrounds;including inner-city schools...

Usually responds in 4 hours

1 lesson

60 min


5 lessons

60 min each


10 lessons

60 min each


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