Hi! I'm Laura and I'd love to help you with your math!! I am an engineer by degree (BSME, Michigan Technological University, MSCE National Technological University), but after I had my children, I rea... lly developed my passion for teaching! I started my journey by agreeing to teach high school math in the small private school they were attending. After four years, I decided to put all my energy into my own children and homeschooled them through high school. I then returned to teaching, but in an one-on-one environment. I have taught custom pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, and pre-calculus courses. I love the challenge of helping each student learn the material in a way that works best for each individual!
I am also a ACT/SAT math and science specialist. I have been very successful helping students reach their goal scores on these tests.
I recently moved to Gulf Breeze, Florida where I am enjoying the sunshine and playing golf!read more
Math Teacher/Mentor
Fusion Academy
Mar 2019 - present
Provided customized one-to-one learning experiences for each student
• Conducted one-on-one teaching... sessions via Zoom utilizing technology and document camera
• Maintained complete and accurate records utilizing Fusion’s Learning Management System
• Communicated effectively and clearly with students and parentsread more
Laura George Consulting
College Test Prep
Nov 2018 - present
Provide customized SAT and ACT Tutoring with emphasis in math and science resulting in students
scor... e increase of 40-50% of possible remaining points when compared to their diagnostic exams
• Conduct one-on-one training sessions via Zoom utilizing technology and document camera
• Wrote TI-83/84 calculator help guide for specific tips for use on the ACT/SAT
• Designed and taught ACT Math/Science group training course via Zoomread more
High School Math Teacher
Emmanuel Christian Academy
Sep 2007 - May 2011
• Provided instruction in math, keyboarding, and computer skills.
• Formulated creative lesson plans... for a wide variety of students.
• Conducted summer mathematics course to aid struggling students.read more
Technical Director
Traveler's Insurance
Mar 1998 - Jan 2002
Developed business requirements, prioritized requests, and oversaw the development, testing and laun... ch of the agent website for all Travelers Life & Annuity distribution channels
• Worked with the business to ensure appropriate communication and training plans were in place as new technologies were rolled out to the Independent and General Agents
• Developed training materials and conducted training sessions with Independent and General Agents
• Managed staff of six individuals in technical support and business analyst positionsread more