Katelyn Stark

All Things ELA.

Online Reading tutor

Traverse City, Michigan

Reading expertise

I have been an English / Reading teacher for 14 years. I am trained in remedial reading, grade-level reading and honors reading strategies. I have taught grades 7, 9-12 and am adept at engaging even r...

Teaching preferences

Academic level

High School, Middle School


Hi, I'm Katelyn Stark. I've taught middle and high school for 14 years in Michigan. I love teaching, learning and being around people! Outside of teaching, my time is dedicated to church, exercising...


Grand Valley State University

Masters Degree, Special Education

Grand Valley State University

Bachelors Degree, Education - English and Psychology


ELA Teacher


2010 - present

I teach ELA and have tutored ELA, Reading and Writing for grades 9-12.

1 lesson

30 min


1 lesson

60 min


3 lessons

30 min each


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