Hello, my name is Justine Nyarige from Germany and originally from Kenya. Currently, I am working in Germany as a Research Scientist. I have a bachelor's degree in Education with a speciality in Maths... and Physics. I also hold a Master's and Doctorate in Physics, from the University of Nairobi-Kenya and the University of Pretoria-South Africa, respectively.
I have a passion for teaching and have been teaching students for 13 years now. enjoy teaching and love to mentor students of all levels. I can teach Maths up to College level in all topics (Linear Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Precalculus, Measurement, Trigonometry and many others). In my teaching career, I ensure that the learners enjoy their lessons and can be able to relate what we have learnt in class to real-life situations.
I am patient with my students to ensure they have followed the concept and can be able to solve problems related to what we have learnt in the lesson. I also love helping students in building their confidence in mastery of content.
Please feel free to reach out to me for any additional questions. I look forward to working with you.read more
Littera Education- USA
Feb 2023 - present
Teaching Mathematics Online for grades Grades 2 to 12 students in the following topics: Measuremen... ts data and Statistics, Calculus, Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, Trigonometry, Numbers and Operations, Fractions and Ratiosread more
Research Scientist
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology–Germany
Apr 2013 - present
Studying the charge transfer process of metal oxides using ultrafast transient absorption spectrosco... py
Synthesis and characterization of undoped and doped TiO2 materials using Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (PEALD)
Synthesis of CuO and ZnO thin films using Solgel, hydrothermal, spray pyrolysis, and spin coating techniques
Incorporation of the the TiO2 into the ceramic membranes and performing the photocatalytic activity of water treatment using the dead- end photocatalytic membrane Reactor.
Performing different presentations on photocatalysis achievements using hematite as the photoanode
Attending and presenting in conferences
Attending different network meeting withing Germany courtesy of my fellowship for team building and networking
Supervising PhD and Masters students on various projects
Report writing on my weekly progress. I am involved in editing and proofreading PhD students reports before submission to the supervisorread more
Assessment Specialist-
Cambridge University Press-London UK
Jun 2022 - present
Attending regular meetings for Proofreading of the mark scheme
Marking of the assigned papers with... in the stipulated time
Report writing, editing and formatting to to the supervisorread more
Post-Doctoral Researcher and Lecturer
University of Pretoria–South Africa
Sep 2021 - Jun 2022
Doing extensive research on polymer solar cells
Supervision of PhD, Masters and Honours students i... n their projects
Proofreading, editing of the student reports, manuscripts, dissertations and theses
Teaching in the Physics department
Marking of semester tests, exams and lab practicals
Quality assessment of the reports from students in ensuring no pragiarism
Proofreading of National Research Foundation (NRF) scholarship applications for Masters and Doctorate students for the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Pretoriaread more
Part-time lecturer
Multimedia University of Kenya- Kenya
Apr 2021 - Aug 2021
The teaching of PHY 2415 and SPL 2214 modules
Setting, proofreading and editing of the semester te... sts and end semester exam.
Guiding the students in the lab, report writing, editing and proofreading of the work before submission for marking
Marking of semester tests exams and lab practicals
Writing the report to the head of the department on the overview of the semester
Editing and proofreading of the reports for the physics department before submission to the Facultyread more
Physics laboratory teaching and Assistant Lecturer
University of Pretoria- South Africa
May 2018 - Dec 2020
Super tutor position for PHY 131. Involved in supervising, teaching the module, giving out the tutor... ial, overseeing marking of semester tests and examinations.
Demonstrating experiments for PHY 124, marking and grading of the reports and examination.
Marking of FSK 116 and FSK 176 semester tests and examinations.
Demonstrating experiments of determining the bandgap of semiconductor materials and thermal expansion in solids to undergraduate and Honor students.
Synthesizing, characterizing and analyzing materials for Honor student’s projects using chemical spray pyrolysis, spin coating, chemical bath deposition, Raman spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and UV-VIS spectroscopy techniques.
Writing, editing and proofreading of the student manuscripts, student reports and departmental reportsread more
Tutor and Director
Royal Tuition Center- Kenya
Dec 2010 - May 2018
Teaching of Grades 1 to 12 students in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Science. I was the ´foun... der of the company hence involved quite a lot in the administrative work.read more
Graduate teacher
Visionary International School- Kenya
Oct 2013 - Sep 2017
Taught Physics in High school and A level students
Conducted various experiments on Optics, mech... anics, electricity and magnetism and Radiation Physics
Marking of exams and lab reports
Motivated the students the importance of Physics and its contribution to the modern world today.read more
Research and Teaching Assistant
University of Nairobi- Kenya
Oct 2014 - Sep 2016
Conducted extensive structural, optical and electrical analysis of films prepared by spray pyrolysis... technique by using the origin pro, PUMA, SCOUT and math lab softwares
Analyzed data using Raman Spectroscopy, UV-VIS-NIR Shimadzu Spectrophotometer and Alpha step stylus machines.
Writing, editing and proofreading of the manuscripts before publications in different journal formats Taught and Demonstrated experiments in the Laboratory for undergraduate Physics students
Graded laboratory reports of the experiments done
Taught post high school course in Physicsread more