Hello! I am Julian! I was born and raised in San Jose, CA, making me a local from the Bay. I recently finished college at San Jose State University with a bachelors in Behavioral Sciences.
Some of m... y hobbies include video games, reading, bowling, watching anime, and music! You can talk to me about almost anything and I will probably know something and if I don't then I will learn something new from you too!
My goal as a tutor is to help you learn the subject you need help on as easy as possible. I have always been someone who loved to find the shortcuts through classes and have learned a few during my time in school and I would love to share those with all of you! (By shortcuts I mean easier ways to get the results you need like in math.) In general, my goal is to make school just a bit easier for you and for you to continue to take whatever you learn from me into your future endeavors!read more