Hello! My name is Jessa! I am committed, passionate and a game changer Trainer. I live in Camarin, North Caloocan City, Philippines.
Being a trainer, part time teacher in my church to kids. I develop... ed my passion in tutoring when one of the youths in the slum area shared his life struggles. He cannot read or write because he always skip classes when his mother sends him to school. I realized I am privileged more than him because I can read and write not only Filipino but also in English. So, I bought books, notebook and pens for him that he can use and taught him the basics writing and reading. This is where I started my passion in tutoring.
During my free time, I'd go out and share the Word of God to places where there are less fortunate. What I like about tutoring is helps me conquer my self-centeredness. Seeing people learn, makes me happy. No matter what their state in life is; poor, middle class or upper class they all deserve to be taught and learn, this is my philosophy.
I am me, when I share my talent, time, skills, resources and money to people who are less fortunate than me.read more